Off-Page SEO
6️⃣ Best Off-Page SEO Techniques To 🚀 Your Ranking
Here are the most beneficial Off-page SEO techniques for higher ranking and a boost in traffic.

Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO consists of all the activities that need to be done outside of the website. This part of SEO is helpful for getting a higher position in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). There are a lot of myths and confusion between On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO.
On-Page SEO v/s Off-Page SEO
On-Page SEO is the stepping stone for the technical SEO part. It includes all the activities that need to be done on the website.
The activities include:
- Title Tag
- Meta Description
- URL structure
- Optimized Website Architecture
- Mobile Optimization
- H1 Tag
- Image Optimization
- Image Alt Text
- Creating Mobile AMP Pages …
& so on!!
While Off-page SEO is the complete opposite side of the coin.
The comprehensive list of activities includes:
- Social Media Posting
- Guest Blogging
- Sponsored Article Submission
- Community Posting
- Submission on Q&A sites
- Social Bookmarking
Off-page SEO techniques — In detail!!
1. Social Media Posting
Social media can be the “most used” and traditional platform for leveraging off-page SEO activities. There are a lot of opportunities on various platforms for getting quality traffic.
Some of the uncommon social media activities include:
- Social media groups
Daily posting on social media pages can’t redirect enough traffic on the website if you don’t have enough followers or just starting off with the social media activities. For getting quality traffic, it is necessary to explore relevant groups and posting there regularly.
- Twitter mentions
Getting traffic from twitter can be a tricky task. The companies can collaborate with influencers by tagging them and can able to get quality traffic to the respective site.
- Sharing curated content
Sharing already published a blog with additional fresh content can create wonders for companies.
2. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is the best off-page SEO technique for getting relevant & high-quality traffic. With strict algorithms and to avoid the risk of penalties, guest blogging can be the ultimate advantage for boosting DA (Domain Authority).
Here are the steps that you can follow to successfully perform guest blogging activity.
- Finding relevant sites with higher DA and similar interest
- Outreach with potential ideas
- Follow up followed by link placement confirmation
- Submission of draft
- Publication
3. Sponsored Article Submission
When you find a relevant site with higher DA and prerequisite payment on posting articles, then you can pay some money for the same.
You have to be very careful while opting for this technique. With changing annotations on link parameters from the new algorithm update, there are chances to bear penalties while publishing one such article.
4. Community Posting
This can be the most trending and one of the popular off-page activities to help sites getting quality traffic and indirectly building authority.
Popular Communities:
- GrowthHackers
- ProductHunt
While posting in the community, you have to focus more on content rather than links making the post informational. After a certain time and interactions, you can share relevant article links as a resource in the community.
5. Q&A Site Submission:
When we talk about the Q&A site, then only one relatable portal highlighted in our mind: Quora. Now, while answering questions, you have to follow certain guidelines described below:
- Enough research on the question
- Prepare answer with no promotional links
- Place blog links for additional guidance
- Put disclaimer when sharing information on product/service
- Check the answer for formatting before posting
6. Social bookmarking:
Social Bookmarking is the old school technique of building links and redirecting users to your site.
It is the process of saving site as your preferred one on platform or forum with popular tags and keywords.
You can follow this tactic to promote your website in the public domain. With this, users can also find such a site with the same set of used keywords.
Popular bookmarking sites to get started with:
- StumbleUpon
According to me, these are the best off-page techniques for building links with higher traffic.
What are your most favorite and currently in practice Off-page SEO activities? Comment here to build a comprehensive list.
Originally Published On Quora
Featured Author Bio:
Dhruv Mehta is a Digital Marketing Professional who works at Acquire and provides solutions in the digital era. In free time, he loves to write on tech & marketing. He is a frequent contributor to Tweak Your Biz. Connect with him on Twitter or LinkedIn.